Roasted quilted Maple Guitar Wings, 22mm (V-8414)


Beschreibung / Description:
…please feel free to ask for closeup Photos!!

— Good Quality—

…pretty nice roasted quilted Maple Wings!!

Further Information’s about Roasted Woods:
— Integrity, strength and stiffness of the wood are maintained with no chemicals.
— Hydroscopic cellulose is sealed so wood resists warp and movement.
— Vibrational testing indicates roasted maple has clearer tone than regular maple.
— Is stable and resistant to humidity and temperature changes.

540 x 310 x 22mm


You purchase exactly that shown piece!
Please note: The “LesPaul” or “Stratocaster” Templates we use, are bigger as the original Size!

For further Information please feel free to ask via Email or Phone!


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