Prem. 1 pc. quilted/curly Claro Walnut Guitar Top, 7mm (NB-439)

Alter Preis: 298,00  SONDERPREIS !! 223,50 

Beschreibung / Description:

— High Quality —

…absolut amazing curly Claro Walnut Top, –in ONE PIECE !!!
The Figure is incredible! For your outstanding Project.
(sometimes it`s pretty difficult to show the figure.
It looks like the intensity is not the same everywhere. However, the video usually shows the structure best.)

555/575  x 368 x 7mm

You purchase exactly that shown piece!
Please note: The “LesPaul” or “Stratocaster” Templates we use, are bigger as the original Size!

For further Information please feel free to ask via Email or Phone!


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