Europ. flamed/curly Maple Guitar Top, 18mm (FL-102)
Alter Preis: 89,00 € SONDERPREIS !! 69,90 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Beschreibung / Description:
…please feel free to ask for closeup Photos!!
— Good Quality —
…solid europ. curly Maple Guitar Top!!
We stored this Material for a very long time!!
The logs from which these Tops were made have been in our Property for over 15 years.
Now we made the first Tops out of these planks!
535 x 415 x 18mm
You purchase exactly that shown piece!
Please note: The “LesPaul” or “Stratocaster” Templates we use, are bigger as the original Size!
For further Information please feel free to ask via Email or Phone!