1pc. CURLY MAPLE Body (FL-12)


Beschreibung / Description:
…please feel free to ask for closeup Photos!!

— Good Quality—

…1pc. europ. curly Maple/Riegelahorn Body.
We have owned this material for over 20 years now.
There is some worm in the outer layers, near the bark.
Still from the time before drying, i.e. about 25 years ago.
Therefore at a special price.

Size Upper Side   =  510 x 310/300mm
Size Bottom Side = 510 x 445/440mm
             = 70mm


You purchase exactly that shown piece!
Please note: The “LesPaul” or “Stratocaster” Templates we use, are bigger as the original Size!

For further Information please feel free to ask via Email or Phone!


Zusätzliche Information

Bigger Photos:

If you need bigger sized Photos, – please ask for!!